May 27, 2024

By Published On: May 27, 2024Categories: Ask My Leader, PressViews: 77

Key Takeaways from the Interview with Peh Shing Huei on “Ask My Leader”

In the latest episode of “Ask My Leader,” Eric hosts Peh Shing Huei, an acclaimed author and journalist. Known for his biographical works on prominent figures such as Philip Yeo and Kwek Leng Beng, Shing Huei shares his journey from a journalist to a successful entrepreneur. Here are the key takeaways from their insightful conversation:

1. The Power of Storytelling

Shing Huei’s fascination with storytelling began in his childhood, inspired by his father’s engaging tales about history and mythology. This early exposure laid the foundation for his career in journalism and authorship. He emphasizes the importance of storytelling in making complex subjects relatable and engaging for the audience.

2. Pursuing Passion Over Profit

One of Peh Shing Huei’s core beliefs is the importance of pursuing what you love rather than focusing solely on monetary gains. His transition from a stable job at The Straits Times to founding his company, The Nutgraf, was driven by his passion for writing and storytelling. He highlights that enjoying your work makes challenges feel less burdensome and more like exciting opportunities.

3. Handling Challenges with a Positive Mindset

Shing Huei’s career is marked by numerous challenges, from covering fast-paced sports events to navigating the complex media landscape in China. However, he approaches each challenge with enthusiasm and views them as opportunities to learn and grow. His positive mindset has been crucial in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

4. Strategic Financial Management

Drawing from his interactions with business leaders like Kwek Leng Beng, Shing Huei underscores the importance of not overreaching in business. He advocates for cautious and strategic financial management to ensure sustainable growth. This approach helped The Nutgraf navigate the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic without compromising on stability.

5. Creativity is Key to Success

A common trait among the successful leaders Peh Shing Huei has written about is their creativity. Whether it’s Philip Yeo’s vision for Singapore’s biomedical sector or Kwek Leng Beng’s strategic expansions in hospitality, creativity drives innovation and progress. Shing Huei believes that having creative ideas is the first step toward achieving remarkable success in any field.

6. Balancing Growth with Responsibility

Shing Huei and his partners at The Nutgraf prioritize responsible growth. They avoid reckless expansion and focus on creating a stable and supportive work environment for their team. This responsible approach not only ensures the company’s longevity but also fosters a positive workplace culture.

7. Inspiration from Writing Biographies

Writing the biography of Philip Yeo, “Neither Civil Nor Servant,” was a transformative experience for Shing Huei. The project, which was his first biography, provided deep insights and reinforced his passion for long-form storytelling. The success of the book demonstrated the power of engaging narratives in capturing the essence of a person’s life and achievements.

8. Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

For those considering entrepreneurship, Shing Huei advises following your passion and being prepared for both the highs and lows. He stresses the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and being adaptable. His own journey shows that with passion and perseverance, it’s possible to turn challenges into rewarding experiences.

9. The Future of The Nutgraf

As The Nutgraf approaches its 10th anniversary, Shing Huei is excited about the future. The company has grown from a small team working from home to a dynamic agency handling diverse projects, including successful media campaigns. Shing Huei remains committed to innovation and excellence, looking forward to celebrating this significant milestone.

10. The Ultimate Wish

When asked about one thing he would like to have for the rest of his life, Peh Shing Huei expressed a desire for the power to heal. This profound wish reflects his empathetic nature and his hope to make a positive impact on the lives of others, both physically and mentally.


Peh Shing Huei’s journey is a testament to the power of passion, creativity, and resilience. His experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone aspiring to carve out a meaningful and fulfilling career. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a creative professional, or someone navigating their career path, Shing Huei’s story is a source of inspiration and insight.

For more engaging conversations with leaders and innovators, stay tuned to “Ask My Leader.

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